John Russo

John Russo

Agriculture Cultivation Technology

John Russo,
President and CEO   
Plasma Licensing Authority, LLC 

PLA is a leading edge agriculture technology company (agtech) since 2016 whose feature product
is trademarked as Lightning Water.

We utilize specialized patented  plasma technology using only electricity,  water, or air to create
a process that stimulates all plant growth whether mediums are soil, hydroponic or aeroponic based.

We create a toxin and chemical free alternative to  traditional fertilizer,  pesticides and bactericides.

Our  process is 100% natural and safe. We start from seed stimulation and sanitization all the way through the
growth and harvest cycles demonstrating  substantially higher  seed germination rates, improved plant health and vigor,
higher harvest volumes, and lower harvest cycles all with no chemical additives.

We engage with cannabis and hemp growth consultants, cultivars and grow farms across the country.  

Plasma LicensingAuthority Inc.
Lightning Water LLC
M: 973-632-6728



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